Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Role Of Gender And Gender Roles Essay - 2120 Words

PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION Gender continues to play an important role in education.The education of women was discouraged for a long time throughout the world.They are subject to severe forms of discrimination in the provision of educational facilities.Similarly being a female in India and the gender roles associated with it can act as a hindrance to her education.(Kaur,2013). Nationally, about three out of four children aged 6–17 years attend school. But school attendance is significantly higher for boys than girls, particularly in rural areas where attendance rates for girls is about 12 percentage points lower than that for boys (NFHS-3 2007). Data on school attendance also show that the proportion of girls attending school decreases with age, while for boys it remains stable (Ghosh 1995; NFHS-3 2007; Velkoff 1998). By ages 15–17 years, about half the boys are in school compared to only about a third of the girls in that age group (NFHS-3 2007). Girls are most often taken out of school to help with family responsibilities, or after they reach puberty as a way of protecting their honor.As cited by,(Bose,2012). The drop out rates among the girls in Lallubhai Compound,Mumbai is also quite high.Many girl child who enroll in primary education are unable to complete their secondary education.There are multiple reasons for the dropping out of these girls.The low income of the family,the environment at home,the gender distribution of roles in the family,poverty,low educationalShow MoreRelatedGender Roles And Gender Role844 Words   |  4 PagesGender Roles can be defined as roles society expects people to play on account of their sex life. Like all roles, gender roles are made up of sets of expectations, so they can be thought of as sets of expirations, so they can be thought of as sets of expectation that are attached to sex.(pp: 220 John E. Farley Michael W. Flota). The key word gender role affects me personally because as recent graduate of high school it’s time for me to go into the real world, of working class gender role of theRead MoreGender Roles And Gender Role Essay784 Words   |  4 Pagessession, I will discuss the gender roles in my family. The definition of gender role is the degree to which a person adopts the gender-specific behaviors ascribed by his or her culture (Matsumoto, D. R., Juang 2013, 156). For example, traditional gender roles recommend that males are aggressive, angry, and unemotional. It goes further and explains that the male should leave the home every day to make a living and be the main wage earner. The traditional gender role for the female purpose is toRead MoreGender Roles And Gender Role1370 Words   |  6 PagesEach gender will have different ways they should live their life in order to stay within their gender role. Some will meet the expectations and other will not. That does not make them look le ss of their gender, they will just be expected to meet them. Over the years, some gender roles have submerged and others have risen above. They will be able to show how the gender roles are supposed to be in jobs, education, and marriage and also how they can benefit from stepping out of the gender roles. GrowingRead MoreGender Roles And Gender Role Essay1385 Words   |  6 PagesOF SUBMISSION Gender roles Introduction Gender is set of characteristics that may be used to differentiate between female and male through the use of one’s gender or through gender identity therefore. Gender role can be considered as the hypothetical construct in humanities and in many social sciences referring to a set of behavioral and social norms which in a particular culture may be largely regarded to be socially appropriate for individuals of a particular sex, gender roles vary from variousRead MoreGender Roles : Gender And Gender1587 Words   |  7 Pagesbetween gender and sex. Sex is anatomical and biological. Gender role can be defined as a person’s inner sense of how a male or female should feel and behave. Culture and society are two important factors in relation to this particular topic. This implies that various societies and cultures may produce children and later fully grown men and women who may have diverse perspectives of a man or a woman’s place or role in the world around them; this is often determined by their culture’s gender stereotypesRead MoreGender, Gender And Gender Roles1437 Words   |  6 Pages Gender roles play an important rol e in society whether it is for good or for bad. These roles have been placed in society since the beginning of time. The term gender is socially created and it therefore categorizes men from women. How is gender defined, and what makes it different from the term sex? â€Å"†¦sex refers to the biological characteristics that distinguish women and men: sex chromosomes, reproductive organs, sex-specific hormones, and physical characteristics†¦Gender†¦ refers to the socialRead MoreGender, Gender And Gender Roles1110 Words   |  5 Pagesbelieve gender is only based on being male or female. People believe gender is based on the physical and biological differences between women and men. Over the last few years, the term gender has changed. When some people believe gender is being male or female. Most people associate gender with gender roles and how people are supposed to function or perform based on society’s expectations. In other words, people believe males and females have to behave according to their gender or gender roles to beRead MoreGender And Gender Roles876 Words   |  4 PagesAs a child I never really knew much about gender roles and stereotypes, I just went with it. As I grew older I was forced to face reality and deal with the gender roles and stereotypes. I wasn’t a masculine kid and always had feminine features and attributes. I never liked playing rough, I didn’t like to get in trouble or cuss. This resulted in me being teased and called gay in elementary school. I had to fake a persona in order to not be bullied and teased everyday. The bullying and teasing cameRead MoreGender, Gender And Gender Roles844 Words   |  4 PagesSociety has institutionalized gender roles since the beginning of time, a common one is that women are the nurturers and housekeepers, while men are the breadwinners of household. In spite of centuries, and fighting for women s rights, such as the right to vote in the late 1920s. Women s till have roles to fulfill, even in a modern society that is dominated by a virtual world. Gender identification has multiplied from that of men and women, to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ)Read MoreGender, Gender And Gender Roles1476 Words   |  6 Pagesmen were the predominant head of the household and women were expected to cook, watch their kids, and clean? This is an excellent example of gender roles, and how they control some aspects of life. Gender roles according to multiple sources are, the way people behave, what they do and say, to express being a female or male. (â€Å"Gender Identity†, Blackstone, Gender Spectrum). They are forced upon an individual from the day that person is born even in the most trivial of terms of putting boys in blue

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